PTO Meeting Notes 9/3/2020

Bethesda PTO Meeting

Date: Thursday, September 3, 2020 @ 9:47 am

Location: Home of President Lindsay Wright

In attendance: Lindsay Wright, Erin Mitchell, Jen Vannoy, Amanda Pilkington, Kocoa Menges. Via Zoom: Jill Justus, Cassie West


-Treasurer's Report

-New Sponsorship

-Teacher Hospitality

-Spirit Night

-Fundraiser Ideas

-Spirit wear

9:27 am-Meeting called to order by Lindsay Wright

●      Treasurer's Report (Erin Mitchell)

○      $21,247.06 in bank

●      New Sponsorship (Erin Mitchell)

○      New Sponsorship @ Wright Law, PLC

○      Time to cold call and get new sponsorships!!!!

○      Wanting to recognize our sponsors on our Facebook page/visit their business.

●      Hospitality (Amanda Pilkington)

○      September teacher luncheon set for September 30th. We discussed the new requirements for setting up/serving due to Covid restrictions.

●      Spirit Night (Erin Mitchell)

○      All other spirit nights are planned through December.

September 17th 4-8 pm @ Panera

           October 22 5-10 pm @ Sonic Spring Hill

           November 17th @ Andy’s Ice Cream, all day

           December 15th @ Culvers, all week

●      Fundraiser Ideas (Erin Mitchell, Jen Vannoy & Cassie West)

○      Family Pictures taken by Jen on Saturday/Sunday sometime in October. Date still needs to be determined. Charging $30 per family to take photos ($5 per family given to Jen for her time/editing skills). Photos will be emailed to the families and as Jill Justus requested, they will be sent a "print and release form". Request form needs to be submitted for this fundraiser idea.

○      Class Baskets=since we are unable to do our annual Backyard BBQ and class baskets do so well, we wanted to offer an online class basket. We need to reach out to teachers to see if they are able to get a parent to volunteer to organize the basket for their classroom. Thinking of offering the baskets sometime in October.

○      Movie Night at Bethesda=No admission charge, only charging for concessions. We need to look into getting a screen. Thinking of doing a brown bag snack (drink, candy, bag of popcorn). Send out a sign-up genie for an idea of how many would attend along with asking parents to send in candy/drinks to help with the cost. We still need to look at dates and submit a request for this fundraiser.

●      Nashville Ballet (Jill Justus)

Motion to approve budget of $500 by Lindsey Wright

Seconded by Jen Vannoy

All in favor=Approved budget of $500

●      Spirit Wear (Erin Mitchell)

○      We still have shirts that need to be picked up from the last sale of shirts. Not sure if the delay is due to students learning online.

○      BES Masks=teachers are wanting to add BES masks to our spirit wear. Looking into this being an option for the students as well. We need to find out what kind of quantity we would need to place an order. Cost?

○      New Spirit Wear set to release Tuesday, September 8th (one hoodie, one crewneck, long sleeve shirt, cute new tote, hats)..

○      Option to ship to home has been added!!

●      Principal Request (Jill Justus)

○      Request  for PTO to donate for new digital boards for the classrooms. We have 6 that have already been replaced and are looking for (over time) to replace 21 more. $4000 per board.

●      Uber Eats (Cassie West)

○      Signup Genius a week before food pickup

○      Minimum of 10 orders/max 20 orders

○      Pay through PayPal

○      Cassie will handle the sign up/payment from teachers

 Meeting adjourned at 11:15 am

Bethesda PTO