PTO Meeting Notes 4/7/2022

Bethesda PTO Meeting

Date: Thursday, April 7, 2022

Location: Bethesda Elementary School


In Attendance: Jill Justus, Lindsay Wright, Kocoa Menges, Tatiana Liston, Megan Halaschak, Cindy Salus, Jen Vannoy, Erin Mitchell, Ashley Hull, Amanda Pilkinton, Anne Betts, Kasi Haire, Ashley Hull, Suz Wilhelm


9:17 am Meeting called to order by Lindsay Wright


·       Agenda/Budget (Lindsay Wright)

-Meeting Agenda (copy attached)


·       Treasure (Erin Mitchell)

-$20,310 in bank (statement attached)

-Deck boxes are outside the school (filled with balls)

-Mrs. Justus will look into getting approval for a new basketball hoop/volleyball net

-Pressure wash the outside building/playground $1500

-River Bend Nursery is donating Mulch for playground


Motion to approve power washing building/playground for $1500 by Lindsay Wright

Seconded by Jen Vannoy

All in Favor=Approved budget of $1500


·       Spirit Wear (Jen Vannoy)

-Spirit wear Clearance Sale made $1105.76 (flyer attached)

-New items next year=two different 25 oz Water bottles, and hair bows (Ashley Hull with add BES to each bow)

-Special Olympics Shirts for Stuart Boyd. April 30th $200


Motion to approve $200 for Special Olympics Shirts by Lindsay Wright

Seconded by Erin Mitchell

All in Favor=Approved budget of $200


·       Hospitality (Kocoa Menges)

-March Luncheon was a success. Teachers loved Shug’s Ice Cream Treats!! We served 87 teachers/staff/bus drivers

-Friday, April 1st Stock the Fridge was also a success! Teacher loved another day of being treated.

-April Luncheon will be Tuesday, April 12th, Sunshine Cart

-Melissa and Amanda will be there at 1pm to push the cart around room to room.

-May Luncheon will be Tuesday, May 3rd, CD’s BBQ


·       Spirit Nights (Tatiana Liston)

-Brentwood Skate Night was a huge success and fun night. Bethesda made $612. Christine with Brentwood Skate Center said they appreciated how kind Bethesda parents and students were. We are welcome back any time for another spirit night.

-Papa Murphy’s (still no check). Tatiana’s contact is not longer employed with Papa Murphy’s

-May Spirit Night is Marco’s Pizza

-Penny Wars May 2-18th (ice cream party for winning class)


·       My Guy and I (Lindsay Wright)

-Moved to the cafeteria

-Mrs. Justus will email parents to bring chairs/blankets

-Sonic donating 250 hot dogs

-Everyone will get hot dog, chips, water, candy, popcorn

-Watching Sing 2

-134 tickets sold so far

-Doors open at 6:30 pm (food), movie starts at 7 pm

-Set up is at 5 pm


·       Teacher Appreciation (Lindsay Wright)

-Erin Ward and Lindsay have been working together

-Breakfast provide by Matt Wright’s Firm

-Teacher Luncheon planned for that week

-Sonic Drinks from Erin Mitchell

-Mexican Popsicles

-Erin will set up sidewalk chalk for students to decorate outside (no coloring under covered areas or on building)


·       Principle Report (Jill Justus)

       -Inflatables Field Day (set up on the ball fields) Amanda/Melissa will share contact with        Jill for a cheaper option for these inflatables

       -Touch a Truck (idea from Ashley) since there is no fire truck/water this year

       -Field Day is Wed, May 18th. Rain Day Friday, May 20th

       -Every teaching teacher has a Parthian board!!! We still need 11-18 more.


·       Closing Notes (Lindsay Wright)

-TCAP =Shug’s Ice Cream for the school (May 12th, 12-3pm)

-Lower Classes adopting a 5th grade class=treats/positive notes

-TCAP is Tuesday, April 19-21

-May 9th Kindergarten Sneak a Peek

-Next meeting Thursday, May 5th 9:15 am Open Meeting

-Board members will vote on Budget for school year 2022-2023 (budget attached)

-Available PTO Positions/Committee Chairs presented to group. Mrs. Justus will send these out in a newsletter.


Meeting adjourned at 10:33 am by Lindsay Wright

Bethesda PTO