PTO Meeting Notes 1/6/2022

Bethesda Elementary PTO Meeting

Date: Thursday, January 06, 2022

Location: Zoom Call


In Attendance:

Lindsay Wright, Jill Justus, Kocoa Menges, Tatiana Liston, Jen Vannoy, Erin Mitchell, Ashley Hull, Amanda Pilkinton



11:30 am Meeting called to order by Lindsay Wright


·       Ties & Tiara (Lindsay Wright)

-We have supplies/decorations from two years ago.

-Need to get props for selfie booth (Lindsay is handling this)

-Send out flyers/sale tickets next week (Jen is handling this)

-Make sure flyer knows this is for girls and a loved one.


·       Treasure (Erin Mitchell)

-$22,141 in bank

-Statement attached


·       Spirit Wear (Jen Vannoy)

-Planning on opening another store with our two top sellers along with the field trip t-shirt.

-Working on a new website/store. Must sell/order quantity of 12 per item.


·       Hospitality (Kocoa Menges & Amanda Pilkinton)

-January Luncheon

              Thursday, January 20th

              2nd Grade will help with items

              Potato Bar with toppings, Salad, Desserts

-February Luncheon

              Thursday, February 17th

              Help from 1st Grade

-March Luncheon

              Thursday, March 24th

              Shugs Ice Cream

-April Luncheon

              Wednesday, April 13th

              Help from Kindergarten

-May Luncheon

              Tuesday, May 3rd

              Planning on having food catered from Titos


·       Spirit Nights (Tatian Liston)

- Grecian Spirit Night made $200

-Urban Air made $121.71

-Sonic Spring Hill, January 13th 4pm to close, 20% of sales goes to Bethesda

-Papa Murphy’s February 17-24th. They offer heart shaped pizzas all month

-Ideas for future spirit nights=Costa Vida, Brentwood Skate Night


·       Jill Justus

-Thank you to the PTO for the walkie talkies.

-New Coffee Pots are a morale booster.

-Bethesda has ordered 11 promethean boards (5 came from Boosterthon)


Meeting adjourned at 12:15 pm by Lindsay Wright

Bethesda PTO